A cat's pride is its hair. Unless the cat is a Sphynx, of course. The more thick and luscious the hair is on your cat, the better and more beautiful it is. It also shows that your cat is in good health. A hairy cat is a healthy cat!
Cat owners might complain about how much their pet cat sheds hair, but deep down they love their pet cat's beautiful coat of hair, no matter how long or short. Brushing your cat's hair can be a bonding activity between you and your cat. Petting your fluffy cat when you come back home after a hard day's work can be a highlight of your day. But all these perks come only when you take care of your pet cat's hair.

Tips to stimulate hair growth in cats
So what if your cat is shedding more hair than normal? What if your cat isn't so fluffy when you pet them? Then you need to sit down with your cat and take a good look at their hair. We'll tell you exactly how to take care of your cat's beautiful pelt so that it will always be healthy and growing.
1. Know what is normal hair for your cat
Some cats are naturally short-haired, while some are on the longer side of the hair. You need to know in which category your cat is before you start worrying about their hair growth. If your cat's natural hair growth is on the shorter side, then you don't need to panic. And if you have a Sphynx cat that is naturally hairless, you don't need to even think about hair growth concerns.
2. A healthy coat of hair means a healthy cat!
We have already stressed how important hair is for the cat, but now we'll tell you exactly why it's so important for your cat's health. Humans can perfectly be fine without hair on their heads, but a cat with less hair can have some problems.
- If you live in a cold place, then your cat should have a thick coat of hair. The thicker it is, the better as a cat's fur provides warmth to them naturally. ● A healthy coat of hair will also protect your pet cat from strong rays of the sun, as a cat's skin can be very sensitive.
- The cat's hair works as a barrier to environmental threats like injuries, scratches, and insects.
- Cat's hair is also part of their sensory system. Their hair is attuned to tactile contact. That's why your cat purrs when you pet their hair.
3. The shedding cycle of your cat
Your car must shed its hair at least once a year. This is a natural part of their life and happens in a cycle. The cycle happens in three phases: (1) the first phase where hair grows; (2) the second phase where hair stops growing; (3) the hair starts to fall and the cycle repeats.
Stress can cause your cat to shed more hair than normal, or they are not able to grow enough hair in the first phase. This is detrimental to healthy hair growth. Veterinarians hence advise for this and many other health reasons to keep your cat away from stressful situations.
4. How long it takes for cat hair to grow
Since all cat breeds are different from each other, it depends on what breed your cat is. But he, generally speaking, it should take weeks or maybe even months for your cat to grow hair back, depending on how much hair was shed. If you had your cat shaved, expect it to take quite a while for the hair to grow back.
5. Importance of a healthy diet
Just like there is no instant remedy for a human's balding scalp, there is no solution serum for your cat's lack of hair growth. The secret to having good hair growth is simply giving your cat nutrients that will stimulate hair growth. Make sure the diet plan you have planned for your cat has the vital nutrients needed for hair stimulation.
- Proteins are an important component that makes up the structure of a cat's hair. If your cat has very slow hair growth, it's very possible that the cat is not getting a good supply of protein in its diet.
- Amino acids take part in the biosynthesis of cats. It is hence an important part of hair growth as well. Amino acids like taurine and lysine are a good inclusion to your cat's diet.
- Zinc is a very important mineral for cats. If your cat falls low on zinc then their hair growth will slow down and might even stop altogether. If this zinc deficiency persists your cat will eventually start to lose hair as well.
- Vitamins are vital not just for your cat's hair but for their skin as well. A cat low on vitamins is likely to have bald spots and a low rate of hair growth.
6. Don't forget to brush your cat's hair!
Brushing your cat's hair doesn't just keep it pretty but healthy and clean as well. When you brush your cat's hair it removes all the unnecessary tangles and dead hair, both of which are detrimental to hair growth. By keeping your cat's hair brushed and clean you can help in the growth of new hair.
7. Keep your cat's hair pest-free!
One disadvantage of having a cat with a thick coat of hair is that many tiny pests can hide in it. Pests like lice for example are very harmful to your cat's hair and general health altogether. These pests can irritate and damage your cat's skin which will eventually lead to loss of hair.
If you notice that your cat has been scratching themselves more often they may be troubled by pests hiding in their mantle of hair. Immediately take your cat to a veterinarian to get the cat checked and disinfect all of your cat's belongings thoroughly to eradicate all traces of the pest.
8. Deworm your cat regularly
Parasites like tapeworms can easily get into your cat's digestive system and cause digestive issues like vomiting and weight loss. Although this is not directly related to hair growth, such conditions can cause stress for your cat which will affect your cat's hair growth. Deworming your cat either at home or at a veterinarian will prevent such events from happening and keep your cat healthy.
9. Keep your cat happy
Happiness stimulates health not just in humans but in cats as well. It also encourages steady and healthy hair growth. Just like stress can cause even the strongest of humans to bald, your cat can suffer through hair loss as well if it is under stress for a long duration of time.
To keep your cat happy and stress-free make sure to provide all its needs. This includes (1) proper diet; (2) sufficient space to play; (3) attention and affection; and (4) regular grooming and health check-ups.
10. Visit your veterinarian regularly!
Despite your best efforts, there are times when you just might miss out on signs of slow hair growth and hair loss. This is why it is necessary cat is taken to a veterinarian regularly so that it can be checked by a trained eye who will make sure your cat's hair is healthy and growing at a normal rate. Make sure to make these health visits once a month to keep yourself updated on your pet cat's health status.
A shiny and thick coat of hair reflects that your cat is healthy and taken care of. It also shows that you as an owner are devoted to your cat and are a responsible pet owner. We hope these tips will help you in taking care of your cat's hair. Make sure to wow your friends by showing off your cat's beautiful mantle of hair!