Having a dog in the house can be a huge responsibility and we have to admit to that!
However, it is also a fulfilling experience to take care of and nurture a little puppy and then watch it grow around us, learning all sorts of antics and cuddling with us now and then.
However, having a pet in the house can be packed with duties since they are
innocent creatures who cannot take care of themselves.
You'll find this interesting: The Science Behind Why Pets Help Us Live Longer
You need to practice healthy and hygienic practices to keep them healthy and sound throughout their lifetime.
Here are some hidden and shocking facts and data about the dog food industry that you must know.
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Commercial dog food can be equivalent to fast food for us
When you are buying dog food for your pet, maybe the best of its kind, the really fancy and tasty one that your pet loves to have and waters up every time, however, let us reveal the truth to you! It may not be as healthy as you assume it to be! Have a look at this interesting article from AKC - Dog food Myths
- The genetic makeup of dogs is pretty much similar to that of humans, at least, 75%. As a result, dog food may not be a great option for pets regularly since this is considered junk for them. Instead of packaged food, you should rather focus on healthy homemade diets. Have a look: A Detailed guide to Human Foods For Dogs which they Can and Can’t Eat
- In order to increase sales, marketing experts might try to mislead you in the wrong direction but this is true. The same nutritious and balanced diet
that you prepare for yourself at home is something that you can make for your dogs! But, when making for your pet - don't use spices, sauces, raisins,
grapes, salt, and sugar. Must read: Dog Health Care Tips Highlighting Some Extremely Important Aspects - There is no need for you to think artificial dog food is superior. Most of the doctors and vets who are recommending a certain kind of dog food are because
they have heard of promotion and propaganda from agencies, other representatives, sales representatives, articles and so on. - Unless you get a pet care expert who has experimented with and
tried out different balanced diets that humans consume, he or she can not give you a clear and right picture of the ideal dog meal. - Most of their advice, otherwise, would be based on superstition or misled information.
- Sometimes vets who have adjoining clinical pet stores will promote these products to increase their sales and subsequent profit of the organisation.
- The quality of processed food may be compromised.
Also read: Deworming dogs naturally - Natural remedies for deworming dogs at home
If you are a dog owner and take an avid interest in the kind of food that your dog consumes then you will know that "regular dog food" consists of 4-D meat! Rest of you, who are wondering what that is, it stands for meat from dead, dying, diseased and disabled animals.
Hence you can understand that it does not carry much nutritional value for your own pet. Plus, combined with artificial flavours, fragrance, and husk portions, this is literally not something that you should be serving to your little furry pet.
Based on the price, one can find out whether the quality of the food is suitable or not. The cheaper the rate, the cheaper the quality and the higher the amount of contaminants and waste portions.
Hence it becomes very crucial to read the labels before you serve such food to your dog.
Must read: 7 Dog Skincare Tips for every owner

Kibble may not be good for their dental hygiene
It is likely that dogs between the ages of about three and more have dental issues or gum problems.
That is maybe because your dog eats kibble. It is true that some experts will tell
you that kibble is better for their dental health than any other canned food but it may not completely hold true. Sticking to kibble and hard treats can only increase your vet bills!
Listen to us today and you can save up your money later.
After all, even more than money, you don't want your favourite canine to be suffering, do you?
Brush your dogs daily to ensure better dental hygiene as well as monitor the overall food consumption that your pet is likely to undertake during the day.
Must read: 7 Tips to Professionally groom your dog

Is your pet getting optimum to eat
Can you justify that a balanced and complete diet for your pet means it is getting enough to eat? Of course, not!
Must read:Remarkable ways in which coconut oil can help your Dog
A balanced or complete diet implies that it matches the minimal food
requirement value but it does not mean that your pet is getting enough of it.
Let's help you understand this better.
When it comes to synthetic food, only the major lines are measured to look for the important nutrient source while the micronutrient requirements are often
Plus, the positive or the negative impact of the food item is only tested on a
couple of dogs.
It is really not feasible to test or conclude whether the food will be good
enough for all kinds of dogs.
As a result of all these anomalies, it is likely that your pet will suffer from nutrient and enzymatic deficiency over the years.
Balanced synthetic food is better than the cheaper versions but better is never a substitute for the best and for your dog, as a caring owner, you should always look for the best! As I know, you always do!
You should read this: Dog Health Care Tips Highlighting Some Extremely Important Aspects
Variety is the Key
Alright, so you found a kind of food which can be good for your dog! But feeding them the same thing over and over again will limit the nutrient source for them and stagnant growth.
Through trying out versatile kinds of food items, your pet can benefit from all of them instead of restricting to only one particular kind of meal.
Imagine for a minute that noodles are your favourite dish in the world but you are having it every day. Will it appeal you? Everyday? No! right.
Well, our pets also think like us! If you are offering them the same food for every meal then it is likely that they will soon start to reject it.
Initially, they will reduce their quantity of meals and slowly start avoiding it altogether.
In order to increase different varieties of nutrients like vitamins, minerals and proteins in their meal and yet keep the food interesting for the dogs to feel
compelled to eat them, you have to go ahead with alternatives, varieties and different forms.
Sometimes you might even observe that your dog is having a gastrointestinal problem due to a change in the kind of food you are seeing!
Do not get nervous and anxious when this happens.
Poor gut health and upset stomach on changing diet is an indication that your dog is not accustomed to variety and must be allowed to try different kinds of food instead.
Hence you should allow your pet to heal and then slowly begin with the process of switching the meals. Make sure you maintain a gap of one week between two different kinds of food.
Make this a habit: 9 Ways to Establish trust with your dog
Some food items are hazardous to your pet - be careful
Here is something very crucial for you to know!
Sometimes cooked bones and rawhide chews can cause serious health problems in pets. If you observe something similar leading to their unusual health damage, take your furry pal to the vet immediately.
Your pet may even end up needing immediate surgery! Hence avoid these kinds of components in their diet to ensure safety and precaution from day 1.
- Your pet may also be allergic to wheat-based treats. Before introducing your pet to something new, it is best to conduct a small test and keep a record of the things they are allergic to.
- Make them eat a trace quantity and observe how their body reacts to it. Discontinue in case of any allergy.
- Commonly, the food items that all dogs are mostly allergic to, include onions, grapes, raisins, chocolate, avocados, dairy, beef, wheat,
- food containing artificial sweetening agents must be avoided as well.
What about corn?
- Corn and cheap fillers may not be a great idea when it comes to serving a nutritious diet to your pet. By corn here, we do not mean the luscious and healthy kind that humans generally consume in their meals.
- Dogs are usually offered feed corn or even cheap feed corn remnants in their food. Even cornmeal dust is included as corn in their meal.
- Nobody cares to see whether the grain has been infected with harmful quality pesticides.
- However, if you try to switch that with natural corn that human consumes and wonder what will it do them good then you are wrong. Such corn can be fattening for your furry friend.