When I adopted my dog I had no idea what I was doing. In fact, I was lost in a haze and a cloud of nothingness. But, when I saw those cute little paws tracing her way back to me and those innocent black eyes looking at me - somehow it made me feel like I will do everything for her. I will protect her from the wildest storms in the world.
And, soon enough we were running around exploring unknown lands and unexplored vistas.
And, that's how I met myself. And, met that inner child within me which was perhaps "pushed down" by the mounting pressures of adulthood.
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You might be feeling a sense of hollowness despite having what you need in life as if something was still missing and then one fine day, without any prior notice, this creature comes into your life to turn it upside-down and occupy a giant space in your heart.
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Maybe the only one who will love you fully and wholly, you shall be their entire world.
Yup, you might have guessed it by now. We are indeed talking about pets.
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Even science and facts tell us they increase our life span! How is that possible? What magic do they carry in their presence? Let's find out.
Why do pets make you live longer?
If you are concerned about lifespan being associated with pets, let us clear your doubt. The former is indeed affected by the latter. In fact, research concluded that the presence of a dog in the house reduced the mortality chances of the owner by 24% when compared to someone who did not have a pet.
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These positive impacts of having a pet are actually governed by two factors! Let's have a look!
- Your cardiovascular health is benefited by having a dog in the house as it compels you to engage in more physical activities.
- Pets also instil a sense of social connection in their owners.
How having a pet makes our lives better?
From various research conducted around the world, an animal and human relationship is given great credentials when it comes to health benefits.
Both emotional and physiological well-being are motivated by having pets around you. It also aids in physical activities like walking, running, and various other movements when you play around with your pets or take them on a walk.
Patients suffering from a risk of higher blood pressure can certainly benefit from this one.
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Positive influence on cardiovascular health and well-being
Do you know that just taking your pet out on a walk every day can fulfil your needs and the body’s requirement for physical activities?
Simply by increasing your daily dosage of walking, you can cause a positive chain effect on your cardiovascular system.
Lowering of blood pressure, level of cholesterol in the body as well as triglyceride are modified and controlled.
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And, did we mention your chances of heart attack are also greatly reduced? Well, it's true!
In fact, a study suggested that heart patients with dogs reduce their chances of heart attack by 33% than the ones who do not have a pet. Dogs can be a great support system for those who live alone. Pets offer psychosocial support in environments where human interactions and availability are not much.
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Do dog owners fall sick less often
Not much data could be derived in this aspect however extensive research is still being conducted. Pets offer additional protection against Clostridioides difficile (often called C. diff) infections by exposing the owners to more numbers and kinds of microbes.

What about other pets?
That's a good question! Just like dogs, do other pets have a similar influence on the lives of their owners? Let's find out. Any pet ownership is likely going to benefit your health. Later a study conducted in 2020 revealed that individuals who owned a cat reduced the risk of dying from any cardiovascular ailment.
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Whether it is a cat, dog or any other pet, studies suggest that overall blood pressure levels are reduced through the presence of these pets in our lives. Just by sharing the company of our pets, we feel elated and happiness always has a positive impact on our minds and health. Pet ownership aids in overall mental, social, and physiologic health status.
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So grab that collar, frisbee, leash or treat and head out with your pet. At home as well, engage yourself in fun activities with your pets whenever you find time to stay fit and healthy.
Overview of the discussion

Let us summarise and list the benefits of owning a pet for your health!
1 Resilient against cardiovascular health- Owning a pet is associated with the reduction of coronary artery-related diseases and symptoms through increased activities.
2. Physical activities can also aid in reducing or controlling obesity- Owning a pet like a dog or cat may imply that you will be engaged in more and more activities like running, jogging and playing around with them. As a result of which, you will surely find support in reducing the risk of getting obese.
3. Aid in reducing the level of stress- Spending time with such social animals can help you to harbour a positive mindset and feel happy. Subsequently, it will aid in reducing stress and harbor a sense of belongingness.