There are so many dog shedding remedies that as a pet parent you might have been tired of listening to them time and again. I get it because I am a pet parent myself and my Golden Retriever sheds a lot.
I have shared my favorite Dog shedding remedies and these are home remedies.

Dog Shedding Remedies
Shedding is something that we've all encountered when we own a furry pet like a Golden Retriever or a Siberian Husky or a German Shepherd or a Chow Chow or any breed.
Also read: 25 Dog Breeds that Shed the Least
The thing is - Dogs sheds twice in a year. Spring and Fall. They shed their thick winter coat for a lighter summer coat during the spring months. And, sheds the inner coat for a thick winter coat during the Fall Season.
This is something which most of us Pet owners know.
Also read: 4 Pros and Cons to know before adopting a dog
But, shedding isn't just about shedding. Let's address it - we hate to see our fur ball shedding.
Fur all over our black dress, fur in our food, fur in the car, fur on the bed sheets, and fur everywhere.
To be honest, I get really worried when I see my Golden Retriever shedding. After probably 100 Visits to the Vet I found out that unless the shedding is not severe, there are a few natural remedies which we can use that stops shedding.
Also read: 11 Small Dog Breeds 'coz Cuteness Comes in Small Packets
When I say stops shedding I say it with a Disclaimer that - it won't happen overnight and there might be other problems such as ticks, fleas, etc. that will definitely need quick Veterinarian consult.
But, from my personal experience let me show you 5 Natural remedies for Shedding Dogs.
How to stop dog shedding home remedy
Here are 5 effective ways to reduce shedding and eventually stop shedding in dogs.
#1. Apple Cider Vinegar

Apple Cider Vinegar or AVC is one of the best ways to control shedding and eventually stop shedding naturally in dogs. I have personally experienced this with my Golden Retriever who is - "Sir Sheds a Lot, BTW"
How to Use Apple Cider Vinegar for Dogs?
I will tell you what I do. So, basically I take two portions of ACV and 1 portion of water in a spray bottle. Shake it vigorously. Then brush aside the fur of my dog and spray it down to the skin. From head to tail completely twice a day.
#2. Unsalted Pumpkin Seeds
This has again worked wonders for me. Pumpkin seeds are rich in Omega 3&6 helping my dog fight out the shedding season with ease.
Besides that Shedding could also be due to not deworming your dogs on time. Or perhaps your dog have had something salty or sugary in the past few days.
Unsalted Pumpkin seeds flushes out the worms from dogs naturally. I always prefer Unsalted Pumpkin seeds instead of store bought synthetic deworming tablets. Much safer and more helpful.

#3. Salmon
Salmon is one of the best source of Omega 3&6 fatty acids that will boost your dogs heart health and help him or her maintain a healthy coat throughout the season. But, in case your dog is shedding in the summer months - it would be wise to avoid it. Since it creates heat in the body and will lead to other problems.
Now if you live in a place where you can't get fresh salmon what do you do?
You can buy Salmon Oil for dogs from Pet stores. But check the quality of the salmon oil before feeding it to your dog.
And, when introducing Salmon oil to your dog, start with less - maybe 1-2 tsp. If its okay, then you can go up to 5ml twice a day.

#4. Vitamins
I am not a Vet. But, from my experience I have learnt few things. Vitamin deficiency could be another major reason your dog sheds a lot.
To complete the Vitamin deficiency the easiest option would be to buy a Multivitamin tab from your pet store.
But, I believe in natural sources of Vitamins. In my experience these foods help nourish our dogs and help them maintain a healthy coat.
Sweet Potatoes, Eggs (including the yolk), Liver, carrots, spinach, pumpkins, Tuna, and kale.

#5. Flaxseeds
Flaxseeds just like unsalted pumpkin seeds has so many benefits. Flaxseeds are a great source of Omega 3&6. It helps maintain a healthy coat. Flaxseeds improve gut health in dogs. Flaxseeds a good source of Magnesium, Copper, Thiamine, and Phosphorus.

Some Questions that you have in mind
#1. What can you do to stop a dog from Shedding?
The answer is we can't do anything to stop the dog from shedding. But, we can do things that can reduce the shedding. Things like Salmon oil, wild Alaskan fish oil, Krill Oil can be included in your dog's diet and that can reduce shedding significantly.
#2. Does Coconut Oil reduce shedding in Dogs?
NO. Coconut oil will heal the skin if it's patchy, and dry. Some dogs have a dry coat due to vitamin deficiency or sometimes when they are exposed too much to the sunlight. If your dog has itchy skin and scratches himself or herself then you can use coconut oil. Coconut oil can also be added in dog's food as it a good source of "good fat".
#3. Why is my Indoor dog shedding so much?
You didn't expose your dog to the sun. but you still find your Dog Shedding a Lot? Well, it's common. If it's the shedding season, then you can't do anything to STOP it. All you can do is - brush him or her regularly from head to tail. Use Natural remedies I have mentioned above to control and reduce the shedding.
#4. What Oil is good for Dog Shedding?
Krill Oil, Wild Alaskan Fish Oil, Salmon Oil, Olive Oil, Flaxseed Oil are really helpful for your dog when you want to improve their coat and skin. If your dog's skin is dry, coconut oil is really good.
#5. Why is my female Dog shedding so much?
Pregnancy might be one of the reasons your female dog is shedding so much. Female dogs can shed a lot while they are pregnant and after they've given birth. Due to lack of calcium and minerals in their body this is commonly seen in female dogs.
#6. No Matter How much I brush my dog He still sheds
Sometimes it's not in our hands. You've got to visit the veterinarian because excessive shedding could be due to sunburn or stress, or fungal infection or Parasites. Hormonal imbalance could be another reason your dog is shedding. In those cases visiting the Vet is a MUST.
Under any circumstances, don't delay or skip your visit to the Vet if things are getting serious and out of hand. These remedies are like supplements. Don't use them as the medicine for shedding.
Wishing you and your Pet a Happy and Healthy Life 🐶
Here's to walking a Thousand Miles with your Pets ❤️